Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Humor Can Show a Bit of Truth

Often one hears that good humor needs to contain a kernal of truth to click. Today I'll turn that around to extract some truth from a very humorous Super Bowl ad. The ad that caught my attention is the one Audi made that features the Green Car and Green Police (courtesy of an environment-climate web site that Mrs. B reads) ->


The ad is a parody, but is riveting in showing how the logical extension of extreme green rhetoric would lead to a gestapo-like "green police" intruding on all aspects of our lives. And it's true in parts: some communities DO search trash on occasion. The ad keeps its humor as the green gestapo works - the green cop on the Segway looks like the Mall Cop in the recent comedy movie. But California is installing have smog sensing devices roadside to ferret out "polluting" cars [see http://www.smogtips.com/remote_sensing.cfm]. Can stops to search be far away ?

But think about the ad: what does it finally show ? A fellow driving an Audi A3 TDI diesel getting a compliment and free pass, stepping out of the line for searches. What is the message ? Buy our car and you'll be exempt from the oppression. The car has a base price of about $30,000, meaning it will probably cost $35-40,000 when they add in the various option packages, charges, taxes, etc.

Did you know that the median disposable income for households is a bit under $45,000 in the US ? That is just a bit over the cost of the "green" car. It's obvious that the bulk of the people - the common man - can't afford this paragon of greenness for family transportation. It's even less affordable when you include the fact that two cars are necessary for a two-earner household that IS the median lifestyle in the US.

The upper middle class can. And of course the ruling class [aka the rich & powerful] can. The fanatical environmental movement doesn't care. They want to impose regulations that will prohibit and ban broad aspects of the life-style of the common man and require one to use expensive and time-consuming devices and practices. After all, to them, you're just a serf living on their manor. And they want the traditional "by your leave, master" humbly said before you do anything.

Watch that ad again and see the future as the fanatical green movement does. It's no joke. Someday if they get their way, you'll be using an outhouse in the backyard, freezing in winter and frying in summer, and riding to work on a bicycle in the rain; that is, IF you have a job. As for those electronic devices you like, such as games, TV, the Internet - forget them. They use power. The ruling classes like this: they can use their wealth to avoid all those impositions and it keeps the common man in his place.

The environmental movement needs to re-organize and add reason to its practices and proposals. Kick out the fanatics. Recognize the huge progress made since 1965. Cars are enormously cleaner now. Recognize the very high marginal costs of further improvements. Is that money wisely spent ? Lots of poor people need help. Education of the young in college is very expensive. Are scarce resources best spent extracting another milligram of pollution from cars ?

Most so-called "green jobs" are subsidized and not lasting. They produce something no one would freely buy at a fair price. They take scarce resources better spent elsewhere and direct them to the projects that are simply placebos.

Don't let the ruling class use environmental rules to impose aristocratic practices. As the commercial humorously shows, the ruling classes will use their money to get out of the queue. The human mind is the greatest tool. Let's use it to develop slowly green policies and practices that truly work. And maintain our fraternity with our fellow man.

Book of the Week

Our Magnificent Bastard Tongue: The Untold Story of English by John McWhorter. This very readable book goes far beyond the usual focus on similar words by looking at grammatical structures, too. Why does English NOT have inflections - endings - for most noun and verbs ? Why do we conjugate the verb, "drink" as drink, drank, drunk ? Why do we say, 'I am swimming' and not the simpler, 'I swim' for the present tense. The book shows how old Celtic, the Vikings, proto-Germanic and old Indo-European all had influence on our English. McWhorter also wrote "The Power of Babel" which covers all human language and for which there is also an excellent lecture series on CDs from the Teaching Company.


Ditto yesterday. Je ne fais rien. Ich machte nichts. Nic nie robiÄ™. Estoy haciendo nada. Non faccio nulla. Nihil facio. I am doing nothing.

Is GOOG morphing into Mister Softee ? They seem to trying to copy good products of others to get some income beyond the core business, as Microsoft has done for years, with little success. Playing catch-up ball usually fails in business. That's one reason I sold that stock around $620 a few months ago. They were just copying the iPhone. Now they are copying Facebook and Twitter. But why trust GOOG ? They just want your private info to sell you ads. Not for me.

PS: Ooops. Krypto wants me do buy some VWO to get the emerging markets allocation up to the standard. I shall obey this AM. Good doggie, Krypto, you are a super fund manager - here's your fee, a fine dog biscuit.

Word of the Day

"Solecism" - noun [$10]
Solecism means 1. a mistake of grammer or idiom; a blunder in the manner of speaking or writing; 2. a piece of bad manners or incorrect behavior.
Sentence: The fanatical greenies are trying to redefine the lifestyle of the common man as a solecism, just as the political correctness crowd has tried to control common speech.


maverick said...

A recent study developed by TransUnion found the percentage of Americans who were current on their credit cards but behind on their mortgage increased to 6.6 percent in the third quarter of 2009, up from 4.3 percent in the first quarter of 2008. Meanwhile, the share of consumers making mortgage payments on time but behind on their credit cards moved in the opposite direction, sliding from 4.1 percent to 3.6 percent over the same time period.

Bunkerman said...


Maybe they hope for Obama to re-negotiate the mortgage.

Bunkerman said...

just added ->

PS: Ooops. Krypto wants me do buy some VWO to get the emerging markets allocation up to the standard. I shall obey this AM. Good doggie, Krypto, you are a super fund manager - here's your fee, a fine dog biscuit.

Frosty said...

Bunky...new skim being put to work or some prior beeferstyle sales kreypto fund being put back to work, perhaps just a normal rebalance.

Bunkerman said...

this money (and Friday's) comes from prior re-balances that I parked in money funds, as TIPs were too expensive.

Bunkerman said...

that cash came from sales of various stocks & REITs when their postions were too large near the top.

uh ...

sell high, buy low.

Frosty said...

Bunky...indeed your nazi heros in washington have the volkswagen
playbook in hand.

Bunkerman said...

hmmm emerging markets up big all around.

I guess the beefers read this blog


Bunkerman said...

yup, frosty ... or they want us to use the Flintstone-mobile

Bunkerman said...

did that buy, btw.

Frosty said...

Bunky...did you take Mrs B to DENN this morning for the free grandslam breakfast sir.

Bunkerman said...

haha, nope. Mrs. B's idea of a good breakfast is a salad.

Bunkerman said...

Don't know where therw is a Denny's near here.

There's one in my hometown.

Bunkerman said...

although per moi, I had two perfect fried eggs this AM (fresh from a farm with happy chickens organically fed), a homemade Scotch-Irish scone with pumpkin butter and a banana for breakfast.

Frosty said...

"fresh from a farm with happy chickens organically fed"...nutten like farm fresh eggs...like merny with the darkmeaters, never go back indeed.

maverick said...

easy on the scones Bman...processed carbs

Frosty said...

"I still don't see any reason to make long-term buys."....thx jim...you have been warned Bunky.

Bunkerman said...

thanks frosty, that makes me feel better about Krypto's long term buys.

when he agreed with me recently, I knew I was in trouble.

Bunkerman said...

btw, it's the butter in the scones that are the "problem"

the recipe calls for 1.5 sticks.

Bunkerman said...

I add raisins & orange flavored cranberries to make them "Scotch-Irish..


Bunkerman said...

I presume all understand why the scones are "Scotch-Irish" ...


Frosty said...

why would anyone comment, you would run them off...we all feel your pain Mav.

Frosty said...

Bunky...get the bat off the shoulder and get back in the game...nonono need to load belts and point the half track toward south alaska.

Bunkerman said...

nah .. just working on Polish.

Italian next.

What's ther to buy anyway.

I've bought a lot via Krypto.

Have no trade ideas.

Frosty said...

I've been picking away at the fins today, trading around attempting to get ahead...your VVUS lagger in biowreck space that has acted well, I also own SLXP, VPHM some larger caps...started some CLX this morning for some yeild, plus 60 looks like opx floor..ORB playing a 1234ish pattern...right or wrong taking a positive bias into opx.

Bunkerman said...

Mrs. B owns some CLX LT in Sky Fund.

I can't get excited about fins since I wonder what Congress will do to them. Don't see why JPM did not declare a dividend, either. Guess they are worried ,too.

FCX I still am concerned about teh mine in Africa - I think China will bribe the governmetn to take it over.

BHP - I'm worried they will buy something.

MT always intersests me, but after last ping-pong, I'm a little jaded.

nothing gets my spec. juices running ...

maybe I'm burned out for awhile.

Frosty said...

I hear ya, if your heads not in the game no need force anything indeed...JPM 20% off oct high very interesting...if the cheif nazi would shut the hell up they would come with the skim in a heartbeat.

Bunkerman said...

that's probably why .. why wave a red shirt in front of bull(bleep)artist.

Frosty said...

JPM trades 90% of book with 8PE, FCX same forward PE but even after this decline trades 3.4x book.

Bunkerman said...

FCX mngt. seems to be acting odd; they should have reinstated dividend, too.

my guess is FCX book value got skewed with the PD acq.

But if they lose that big mine in Africa, the stock will crater.