Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is It Summer ?

Outdoor temperatures here are over 70F. It's humid. I hear hoards of crickets. Signs of summer ...

The ennui of news flow is marked. Babblevision talks about the next "trade" endlessly. It sure seems like the summer doldrums.

Ms. Market slapped her latest beau after the post Fed rally and sat down to skip the dance. What does this mean ? My guess is that the bears used the rally to put on more shorts and beefer traders took profits. The signs: the biggest losers were the strong stocks which had broken up into new rally highs.

This pullback could be the "Sell Rosh Hashanah, Buy Yom Kippur" trade, delayed a few days. That's my "guess". The traders couldn't find buyers higher after the Fed, so they sold. Real buyers are continuously nibbling at lower prices like a plethora of hungry squirrels eating fallen acorns.

The Bloviator continues to bloviate. Will he ever "do" anything ? It's just remarkable that having huge majorities in both houses of Congress somehow seems to have drained the energy from his party. Perhaps they are busy plotting their next earmark raid for payoffs & bribes ?


I am doing nothing. Estoy haciendo nada. Je ne fais rien. Robię nic.
[more languages to come ... Italian, German, Latin]

Word of the Day

"Louche" - adjective [$10]; from French, rhymes with "douche"
Louche means 1. disreputable, shifty; 2. [from OED] oblique, not straightforward, dubious.
Sentence: Rankings of the most louche professions: used car salesman, real estate developer, US Congressman.

Le Mots du Jour

"Loucher" - verb, regular -er
Loucher means 1. to squint, to have a squint; 2. (~ sur + object) to eye, to ogle.
La Phrase: Un homme louchera souvent sur une belle femme.
Sentence: A man will often eye a beautiful woman.

"Louche" - adjective
Louche means shifty, dubious, shady, fishy
La Phrase: Il y a du louche dans cette affaire.
Sentence: This business is a bit fishy. [idiomatic translation from dictionary]

[Thanks, Woody, for this $10 bi-lingual word]


Bunkerman said...

a late request from yesterday:

Kuba, co robię teraz?

Jim, what do I do now?

[Kuba is the diminutive for Jakub, which is James in Polish.]

Bunkerman said...

Mrs. B made a couple apple pies last evening.

Ingredients: apples, sour cream, raisins, walnuts, spices, graham cracker crust. no sugar.

Sounds like a qualified breakfast fruit to me ...

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Super !

Bud said...

good morning Bman !!!

and a great morning indeed..............just finished my second cup of my new favorite coffee..........lite white berry from's basically a white mocha with skim milk...........delicous !!! you should try some Bman

if you don't have a caribou in your area.........starbucks has it too...........i am sure the Union soldiers would have enjoyed a cup or 2 just before the battle of gettysburg

Bud said...

why 2 cups ??

got up at 3 to trade the emini's................some good ping-pong action......but not that big of a range ....1050 a big number for the wavers

caribou opens at 5.......

Bud said...

does paul volcker read this blog ??

banks need to stop proprietary trading, hedge funds etc......

Bud said...

what a disgrace president simian was yday at the UN.............more apologies to the rest of the world...............he loves to be loved by the foreigners

Bunkerman said...

Starbucks ... Caribou ... uh ... those aren't in the forest. Maybe 10 miles or more. There's a Dunkin Donuts two miles away.

I make my own with fresh ground beans, a gold mesh filter, and a thermos to keep it hot.

I like my coffee black ... noir ... schwarz.

Just finished cup #3.

Bunkerman said...

When I worked in NYC about 25 years ago, every morning I had a really rich, creamy coffee every morning at 7AM from a cart on Broad St just south of the Wall Street intersection. And a tasty croissant, too.

Lol that was when working on the "Street" was fun. A couple guys used to drive by the cart in a Porsche every AM & lean out to buy a cup, too.

Sigh .... now it's like a military camp ... or prison.

Haven't been back for years.

mfl59 said...

"lite white berry from caribou"

"mike hard raspberry lemonade"

anyone else picking up on a trend here?

"maricon gigante"

Bunkerman said...

There was a quick rally in the indices around 5AM, I think from from memory, as I was writing the post. S&P popped 4 pts.

That happens often at certain times. Up or down.

I guess some big traders wake up, hit teh turrets and make moves.

Or mutual fund traders find out the cash flow from prior evening that's on the way

Bunkerman said...

Maybe Volcker is now reading this ... he needs to, or he sounds stupid or senile.

Spin-em said...

Three American paper companies, joined by the union that represents their workers, charged on Wednesday that unfair trade practices in China and Indonesia have cost thousands of Americans their jobs by driving down the cost of paper.

The three companies plus the United Steelworkers (USW) union submitted petitions to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission (ITC). They claimed that certain types of coated paper imported from China and Indonesia have eliminated thousands of American jobs and are hurting American producers.

Joined by three paper companies located in ailing industrial regions, including Appleton Coated in Kimberly, Wisc., Sappi ( SPP - news - people ) Fine Paper of Boston, Mass., and NewPage Corp. in Miamisburg, Ohio, the union is calling for antidumping and anti-subsidy duties against Chinese and Indonesian coated paper, which they say flooded the American market. The Steelworkers union represents 850,000 American workers nationwide, including 6,000 paper mill workers employed by the three companies.

maverick said...

ahhhh...just finished my first shot of Don Julio 1942 Tequila....100% agave...

Bunkerman said...

sheesh, mav

celebrating something ?

Bud said...

uhh Bman............he was making a 'manhood' joke at me

don't worry about my manhood better worry about the tigers manhood......the horned frogs can score .............better save some of that tequila for saturday nite when you cryin like a bitch

PS..........nice pooch punt dabo

mfl59 said...

Dick Hoey must read this blog...

"We have fixed all of our problems...Its a raging bull mkt"

indeed big fella

Bud said...

Bman are e-minis an asset class ???

these things are f'ng nuts.......wavers keep tellin me 1050 is key

Bud said...

Bman have you studied elliot wave theory ?? it's on my 'to-do' list

do you reccomend a book

mfl59 said...

ummm your boy thinks all that stuff is nonsense Bud...the key to good trading is to buy large blocks of stock and feed it out to minions in a chat room as they buy...everyone knows that

Bud said...

where's frosty ???

has he surrendered ??? not a surprise.........i'm a relentless f'k

hey you want my 'ops expo open interest spreadsheet '


Bud said...

i love bob's oregon 'beavers' this weekend...........they gettin 6 at home to the cal bears.............if i knew they were playin in the same uniforms as last week...........i wud load up

we'll see how the rest of the week goes...............that may be my play of the wknd

ace.........what a f'ng moron

mfl59 said...

lmaoooo Bud....

Iowa State Hawkeyes!!!!

Bud said...


lmaoooooooooooooooo ace

that maybe your funniest post of all time..................ok.............i guess i

'call off the dogs'

Spin-em said...

"market"roshyoms...sending G20 a message Luco Brasi style...transaction tax??...we can take it away just like that mfr's....

Frosty said...

Bunky...flash trading, oh man, way to step up...where are your heros at the SEC...uptick rule, hello...tirple juice dark etf' must feel great shame.

Frosty said...

Sal...don't ever use my home name, OREGON ever are not my BFF, never will be...." white mocha with skim milk", the meat in a fraser and niles sammmyyyyy...I think so.

Bunkerman said...

Yes, I'vd studied it and followed it a bit in the 1980s and in this century until I stopped trading.

There's something to it, but it doesn't always work. (what does ?)

The short & intermediate term moves beceme a bit self-fulfilling as quite a few people follow it.

But it breaks down when fundies are against it.

The fibonacci points can work, probably because lots of traders follow it.

Gotta be nimble, though when it stops working.

Then the wave theorists will change their counts so they can claim to be always right.

I use it, roughly, to pick logical buy/sell points when I'm looking for a place to do something.

Bunkerman said...

I suppose Prechter has a recent book. Mine are from the 1980s.

Bud said...


nailed it !!!!!!!!!!! almost 2 points in that also a blip hit Bman ??????

DANKE VIELMAL JIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spin-em said...

fraser and niles


Spin-em said...

AONE...douche prolly topped it

Bud said...

what a great job goldmansachs does for it's clients on ipo's............i am sure their customers are ecstatic with AONE today

Bman you still think goldman gutts it's beefers ??

PS..........GS goin to 200 ???

mfl59 said...

mern what is happening with NVAX? is it a raging buy here sir?

Frosty said...

Bunky...hearing G-20 discussing a new global currency...I say go with bunkybucks, a lap dance always maintains it's value..."capo, crank up the press"

mfl59 said...

Bunkerman ITW was one of your newer purchases, correct sir?

Bunkerman said...

yes, I have calls on ITW.

Mrs. B has the stock.

Spin-em said...


Bunkerman said...

G20 global currency ... what a laugh !

maybe in 100 years

Bunkerman said...

Call options book: ITW, GOOG, UTX, PG, CAT, MMM, BA, MT, HBC

Bunkerman said...

currency in strife: gold, silver, chocolate, cigarettes, guns, ammo, "le preservatif", etc.

Bunkerman said...

for skipping out before the borders close, use diamonds.

I intend to stay & fight.

mfl59 said...

Bud true or false....Obama can hit a 6 iron longer than you can?

Spin-em said...


Do you..or do you not have a man crush on "jim"?

Spin-em said...

Bud...."Jim...rock climbing???..Im down....Ive made delicious sandwiches.....Zima?"

jim...."step off Bud"

mfl59 said...

"Do you like peanut butter? Ill make peanut butter sandwiches"

Frosty said...

Sal luv's to have his peanut butter packed...sharkstyle....CHTP, thanks jim.

Spin-em said...

should we call off the dogs????

you still wanna be friends???

sure are quiet now....

take me to a happy place...take me to a happy place


Bud said...

that's ok frosty..........take all the shots you want at me........i'm a man.......i can take it......but i only have one way to respond............lemme know if you can 'take it'

what a prick you are bob..................f'ng scum sucking jizz swallowing man beaver licking douchebag

PS........still wanna be friends ???

Bud said...

" hey Sal............why you gotta talk shit..........why you gotta be so nasty ? "

cuz i'm a nasty motherfucker !!!!!!!

Bud said...


tedious enough ace ??????

Spin-em said...

you showed us.....print that it to jim..maybe he'll give ya gold star


callin off the dgs..."sorry"

Bud said...

easy ace..............i called off the sure you wanna go there ?? go where ??

ya'know ........the fag jokes.............i mean .....weren't you an altar boy?? ....... didn't you have father mclroy's balls in your mouth ???

PS........uhh ace ...........DO YOU still wanna be friends ????

Bud said...

ace.............i don't know....nor do i care how far the moon-cricket hits his 6-iron

all i know since learning how to 'release the club'...........i've gained about 5-7 yards on my six iron..........they goin about 155-157...........once i get my footwork and weight transfer issues resolved.........i think 165 is realistic

mfl59 said...

Obama playing to a 14 it guys would have a nice match...


that still cracks me up....

well played sir well played

Bud said...

sorry Bman.......but don't blame me

these f'ks baited me..............i had to respond.............i try to keep the debate civil and interesting and humorous and mind provoking

ace and frosty should know better by now.............reminds me of this quote

" They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. *That's* the *Chicago* way! "

what movie Bman ???

Bunkerman said...

hmm sounds familiar.

Can't place it.

Bunkerman said...

well, I couldn't expect any Rodney King acolytes in this free-fire zone.

Frosty said...

Tom stay on high alert, friday is looming...Mern went all philosophical too, you know, right before he swung.

Spin-em said...

yes..... Sal Bass is such an adult...SHOWTIME!!!

mfl59 said...

Bunkerman you must be chomping at the bit to buy...the Dow has pulled back 100 pts...

Bud said...

lmaooooooooooooooo frosty

'call the cops'..............what a bunch of pussies........panicking like sissies

hey much are chickens these days ?? 1.99 or 2.19 a pound?

Bunkerman said...

not even watching, mfl.. I always wait for the third day.

Doing German drills.

hmmm that sounds good


Bunkerman said...

Don't know ... haven't bought one lately, Bud.

I've been eating lots of expensive Euoprean sausages, farm fresh eggs, etc., sesame butter, bagels, Stilton cheese, homemade scones, etc.

Oh ... lots of salads, too.


Bunkerman said...

did buy a roast beef over the weekend - it was top quality cut, $9/lb - same as last year.

mfl59 said...

typical...a friend is in trouble Bud...and you try to act tough...sheesh...what about the Manhattan prep school code son?

Bunkerman said...

Verstehen Sie mich, Punker.

Spin-em said...

Id do it again too...even for a "maricon gigante" like you.......

not that there's anything wrong with that

Bud said...

the unntouchables Bman

elliot of kevin costners best movies..............sean connery spoke that line

Bud said...

german drill ?? what's that ??

sounds like somethin frsoty would do with young........ummmm.......oh wait............'called off the dogs'

Bunkerman said...

German Drills: CDs with german sentences spoken that one must make understnd and change words, etc. as directed.

Verstehen Sie mich, Punker.

mfl59 said...

got it "Chief"?

Bunkerman said...

Today is German, then Polish, then Latin.

Spin-em said...

no Spanish i guess that means he could be saying anything in the other languages?? would we know?lool

Bunkerman said...

Spanish is done on the weekends.

Bunkerman said...

I rotate French, German, Polish & Latin on weekdays, then Italian & Spanish on weekends.

Bunkerman said...

two or three lessons a day.

Spin-em said...

kiddin Bunk...we know....your word is your

mfl59 said...

"The most important thing a man has in the this world is his word"

-Ace's grandpa

Frosty said...

"Spanish on weekends"...indeed, Sal saves the dirty sanchez for weekends...don't hold you breath waiting on a reach around mern.

Frosty said...

Bunky...RIMM not looking to good.

Bunkerman said...

true, I saw a headline on Briefing re RIMM

thanks for the warning re risk.

I might look at it after a few days of pounding, it the numbers aren't too bad.

I didn't like what you said re returns for defects, though. Causes bad word of mouth.