Friday, March 19, 2010

Prescription Drug Price Discrimination

This week I've written about the lack of real debate on issues, so today I'll practice what I have been preaching. Price discrimination is the technical economic term for offering different customers the same product at different prices. Obviously this can happen only when the product is not freely traded. The company can choose what to sell to whom at whatever price they think that market can bear. It's a matter of degree and economists split price discrimination into first, second and third degree price discrimination. Bulk sales at low prices to one buyer is one common example. Senior citizen discounts are another.

The market for prescription drugs world-wide is a good example, too. I suppose you won't be surprised the the US common man is the loser.

Drug companies sell drugs in the US at high prices while they are under patent protection, while selling those same drugs worldwide to various national health care systems are much lower prices. Why ? The national health care systems bargain quite hard and are backed up by national governments, who threaten to break patents for essential drugs.

In the US,. the common man pays full price, and even the US Medicare system does, too. There is some bargaining as insurance companies will negotiate better prices when substitutes are available. But overall the US common man pays a LOT more than those drugs cost in France or Germany. This price exploitation is not limited to US companies. European drug companies like Roche do the same thing: charge the US common man more than Germany.

Congress and the public have been screeching about this for years, talking up "re-importation" from Canada. But that debate does not go to the crux of the problem. Drug companies say they must make good profits to fund R&D to find new drugs. And they are right. BUT why does the US have to pay all the money for those profits ? Why do high prices in the US pay for ALL the research that the whole world benefits from ? That's just unfair.

Since all the world benefits from new drugs, fairness requires that each nation's people and all drug users pay for their fair share of the profits that are needed for the research. The US common man should NOT be forced by price discrimination to pay for it all.

Get the rest of the world off our backs and make them pay more. And lower US drug prices. The prescription drug market requires a "fair price" law requiring drug companies to sell drugs in the US at the same lower price as they sell them for in other developed nations. Such a law would give the drug companies muscle to charge MORE in Europe and Canada. Good. Let Europe and Canada pay more and the US common man to pay less.

Why can't the knaves in DC (aka RC racketeer central) figure this out ? Why doesn't this crucial part of the debate get more public exposure in the media. Well, that's what I've been ranting against all week. The media and the knaves are all part of the problem.


Doing nothing. The 1-2-3 Fund needs a new name and focus. My efforts are going to the Krypto Fund, this is where most of the money is anyway. I'll keep checking for asset re-allocations.

Word of the Day

"Gnosis" - noun [$10]
Gnosis means knowledge of spiritual mysteries.
Sentence: There is no requirement for a Ph. D. in Gnosis Studies for one to use simple reason in thinking about major issues. The racketeers in DC seem to infer this requirement when they impugn critics as not being "exerts' or publishing in "referred journals". BUT if they can't answer simply questions and respond to critiques using simple reasoning, they are truly mountebanks selling a secret patent medicine at a high price.


Bud said...

good morning Bman !!!

you came out swingin this week........good posts every's about time

Bud said...

Bman it seems like there is a new middleclass entitlement in this healtch care bill..........a family of 4 ......400% over the poverty line qualifies for the goverment if they make 96k........they qualify

since when did 96k qualify as poor???

Bud said...

Bman did you see the 3.8% medicare tax on unearned income ???

F'ng disgusting

Bud said...

Bman is it constitutional to federally require every citizen to buy health insurance??

Bunkerman said...

no distractions this week.

Bunkerman said...

lolol true, re "poor"

Yes, I saw that tax - it's huge.

On top of all teh other Obama tax increase, it's crushing.

I suppose it applies to pensions, etc.

Bunkerman said...

and it's probably on top of AMT.


Bunkerman said...

no, it is not. That was a subject of a blog a few weeks ago.

Frosty said... name 0-4 focus, making money :)

Bunkerman said...


nope, I'll find another name.

Frosty said...

Spinny 80-20 fund...foucs, stacking chips high...nonono dog boners...toss him a rock now and again...winner.

Frosty said...

Sal how are you people celebrating the hamas rocket attack gaza...sounds like they killed mass tomatoes...budlightlime and clamato juice.

Spin-em said...


Bunkerman said...

I have had too many distractions since early December to speculate with that fund.

Maybe in May after our taxes are done and the Amsterdam trip.

Bunkerman said...

and my typical hubris got me to break the green-red rule :((

Frosty said...

"Amsterdam trip" plan to sample the techniques of the local "girls", enhance training materials for your stable.

mfl59 said...

what are the odds you smoke hasish in amsterdam bunkerman?

Bud said...

hey you people consider justin timberlake a national hero ???

Bud said...

0-4 fund ??? what a F'ng pos frosty is...............makin fun of the Bman's losses...what a lowlife

i've told you many times before Bman............there are traders who derive pleasure from other losses.......try to ignore them.........they are scum.........but's sad............i feel sorry for them

PS........still wanna be friends??

Bud said...

Bman when are you goin to amsterdam ?? i have to make that trip again

i went there once.........but........was with family so couldn't really 'enjoy' the experience

are you learning to speak Dutch ???

Bunkerman said...

0% re hasish, local girls.

Mrs. B & I wil go to art museums in Amsterdam, The Haugue and Haarlem, and Delft, and eat fine meals

Bunkerman said...

no re Dutch. I amp preparing by listening to a CD art course on Dutch Masters.

Bunkerman said...

the trip is late April.

Frosty said...

this one time...hunting grizz with my dad, using only a stick and a k-bar...NEVERMIND.

Frosty said...

Bunky how about..."what monkey picking these stocks" fund.

Bunkerman said...

oh, when I get an idea, I'll name it.

Bud said...

step aside Bman.............lemme handle this

listen frosty.............enough...............what is this perverse pleasure you have in makin fun of another traders pain ?? what happened to you when you were a child ?? did you get molested by an uncle ??? or by your teacher ?? yeah.........that's prolly bitter prick

PS.......still wanna be friends ????

Bud said...

Bman the greatest show on tv is starting it's 3rd season on sunday night at 10

Breaking Bad's on amc.....set the tivo for it after the Pacific's actually shares the best show on tv with Sons of anarchy..........both get the gold medal

Frosty said...

Bunky how about..."even when you I think I lose I win fund"

Bunkerman said...

hmmm maybe the Semi-Tough Fund.

or the BEAT Fund ?

I'd "experience" it.

Bunkerman said...

hmm with yesterday's post, it could be the EST Fund.

Frosty said...

taking off for the day...just bustin sack Bunky...nonono blood nono foul...have a good weekend, chill those bunktinis.

Bunkerman said...

too nice a day here. I'm off.

Enjoy the weekend.