Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Word for a Dull Tuesday

Word of the Day

"Euhemerism" - noun [$100] One comes across this word in studies of classical mythology.
Euhemerism means 1. the theory of Euhemeris that the mythologies of various gods arose out of the deification of dead heroes; 2. the theory that mythology is derived from history.
Sentence:  Euhemerism received strong support in modern times when the remains of ancient Troy were discovered in the 19th century.


Bud said...

Bman do you think the USA is in Kondatiev wave ??

Bud said...

Bman any stock purchases ? any german stocks ?

Bunkerman said...

re what wave, nope.

they've been touting that since the mid 1980s.

nothing is determined in economic or political cycles.

Bunkerman said...

no stock buys - the model is now leaning to sells.

Bunkerman said...

"The U.S. Justice Department on Tuesday accused poker celebrities Howard Lederer and Christopher Ferguson among other executives of a major poker website of defrauding poker players out of more than $300 million."

Hmmm ...