Thursday, June 16, 2011


Word of the Day

"Procrustean" - adjective [$10[
Procrustean means seeking to enforce uniformity by forceful or ruthless methods.
Sentence:  The procrustean left wants to turn everyone into a government employee whom they, as the leaders, can rule like lords over their serfs.


Bud said...

greece cds indicate 81% greece will default.................come on..............only 81% ???

Bman will Greece default ?? should it be allowed to default ?

Bud said...

Bman will the EU eliminate greece from it's memebership ?? will the Euro be around in 2 years?

Bud said...

Bman will the US default ?? i say don't raise the debt ceiling...........we are broke

we are in debt 15 Trillion...............enough is enough !!!!!!!!

Bunkerman said...

Re Greece, yes and yes.

Bunkerman said...

Re Euro, I don't see why ... if Massachusetts defaulted, it would still be in the US and use the $

Bunkerman said...

yes re Euro.

Bunkerman said...

re US, I don't know - it need not default, but the Republicans seem incredibly stupid lately.

Bunkerman said...

re debt ceiling: why not fight teh battle on spending directly and cut it in the budgets and shut down the government?

The national debt must retain the FULL FAITH AND CREDIT of the people and nation.

How can congressmen who pass a budget with big speniding then proceed to say they won't borrow money to fund it and fund other debt service?

It's simply dishonest.

Spin-em said...

catholic church here....flock shrinking..crisis in confidence..a few priests pervs...100 churches bleeding or the answer build 1000 new churches??..shakedown the remaining flock for more$$??? bigger baskets??...theyre ditchin the pervs..closing schools...combining schools...closing and combing churches.....selling property...putting the lord's house in order if you a lesson world