Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Papers

I spend early Saturday and Sunday mornings reading the "paper" newspapers of all week: Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily and Barron's. During the week I get the current news from many online sources and a little from Bubblevision [aka CNBC]. But there's no way I could find out all sorts of interesting topics, articles and occurrences with real "paper" newspapers to scan and read. It would take hours on online searches . Real paper beats them all.

So what's up?

Blogs have existed for 10 years now. The WSJ article covered may blogs of the famous. It also mentioned terms like "feeds" and automated searches. I have to learn how to do those things to make this blog more accessible - stuff like "feeds" and "syndication". I've tried to figure those out, but the "Help" needs a lot of help. :-( Maybe in August I'll have time for that upgrade has lots of interesting.

A WSJ story illustrated how the public loses big money in commodities by not doing what I wrote to do if speculating in commodities, viz., monitor position size carefully. There were amazing stories of greed vying with greed: greedy stupid speculators and greedy unscrupulous futures brokers.

Adjacent was a story about people wanting no risk investments being put into mortgage securities. Du'h? Nuns investing the MBS? Life insurance proceeds for a widow & child into margin accounts? Hello compliance? That's definitely a growth industry - compliance officers. With all the wealth of the baby boomers needing invested for retirement income, and all the greedy piratical brokers wanting a yacht, compliance officers are going to be in huge demand. And even better, a compliance officer can't be replaced by a guy in India. He's got to be on site to check out the broker's tales. [OK, many - most - brokers are good people. Mrs. B's broker is a good person, from what I've seen.]

IBD had an interesting article on why Google leads in search and is getting more and more advertising dollars.

Barron's was thin gruel this week.

Without real "paper" newspapers - and books, I'd miss all sort of good investment ideas and important societal and political developments.


Bud said...

B'man you really are a contradiction. You're always ranting against the 'state' and courts and laws and judges the same time you want compliance officers and regulators to bust and imprison guys in the financial markets. You can't have it both ways. Make up your mind.

Bunkerman said...

I think populist libertarianism the the "true path" lolol.

Maximize freedom subject to a modicum of restraints on the theives and rich & powerful.

Bud, one can have it both ways. Any optimization can optimize one thing subject to a few limited constraints without much or any loss.