Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Some Things Never Change

Here are a few "truisms" that have repeated recently.

1. A firm that builds a new palatial headquarters will soon have financial problems: Bear Stearns.

2. A CEO/CFO who appears in a fawning interview will soon have problems: Lehman.

3. Hedges don't work in abnormal markets: Lehman.

4. Wall Street is grossly overpaid: Merrill Lynch's Stan O'Neal.

5. Politicians lie & obfuscate: Obama's "change" and "new ideas" rhetoric.

One obvious fact from this Rich Man's Panic is that the financial industry has been grossly overpaid for the past decade. Wall Street executives & traders get big pay, then blow up. Hedge fund managers get big pay, then blow up. Isn't it about time that pay was connected to "long-term" performance ? Or at least don't pay until the positions are closed out completely.

Ruling Classes

With the sycophantic media in its pocket, major groups in the ruling classes are now backing Obama's candidacy. He promises "change", yet his major policy seems to be to give the DC ruling classes a huge amount of money to use to sustain its power. How much of that money will be diverted to the ruling classes ? Will new regulations favor them or the common man ?

Words of the Day

"Heigh-ho" - interjection [$10] - used often in Shakespeare and was Rudy Vallee's signature line in early radio broadcaasts. Pronounced either "hay-ho" with the "o" long, or "hi-ho" with a long "i" and "o".
Heigh-ho is used to express boredom, fatigue, resignation, or mild surprise.
Sentence: Heigh-ho, Obama wins, promises "change". Zzzzzzzzz.

"Bromide" - noun [$10} and [$100 for meaning #4]
Bromide means, other than two chemical definitions and usages, 3. a platitude or trite saying; 4. a person who is platitudinous and boring.
Sentence: Clips of Obama promising "change" have become bromides for the unthinking. Maybe he should be called Bromide Obama instead of Barack Obama.


Bud said...

so we are back to where we were a few months ago

american financial industry on the verge of collapse

armageddon is coming

Bud said...

Obama is a lowlife dirtbag.....he hates whites and jews

didn't the Bman support him in january ???

Bud said...

'grossly overpaid'

not sure what that means

Bunkerman said...

No, I never suported him. I just listened a bit to try to understand what he was saying.

I preferred Hillary for the D nomination.

Always have been a McCain backer.

Bunkerman said...

That is an expressive way of saying why are these guys paid hundreds of millions and then a year later, the firm loses billions.

Bunkerman said...

they are a bit like a bunko man ... sells a dream, collects money, then the roof leaks.

Bunkerman said...

I think the investment banks are completely doomed to revert to much smaller firms.

The trading parts have to be cut 90%.

The old investment banking business from fees and deals works great.

Bunkerman said...

I beat up Hillary a lot, but that was mostly fun.

Bud said...

from the wsj today

The likely Republican nominee has set his sights on at least three groups of voters who have favored Sen. Clinton and claim large numbers in key battleground states: working-class Democrats, Jews and Hispanics.

Political strategists say Sen. McCain stands a chance at attracting supporters from these traditionally Democratic cohorts. "These are people who had a chance to vote for Obama once already and declined," said Todd Harris, a Republican consultant not affiliated with the McCain campaign.

Bud said...

Hillary wanted to hear from me

i sent her an email asking her to run as an independent.....i told her i'd give her 2300 bux on day1 if she did

if she doesn't ...that 2300 goes straight to john mccain

Bud said...

joba chamberlain looked really good last nite

die yankees die !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bunkerman said...

mern had better suport McCain .. he's always grousing abot "stagflation", but Obama's policies are sure to create it bigtime - just like the 1970s.

High taxes + regulation is a cause of stagflation as the supply side is cut back.

Bud said...

i have no doubt that under an Obama presidency + Pelosi with a 60seat house majority

i will be paying at least 40% in taxes

if the GOP goes below 40 in the out......i am screwed big time...prolly 45% plus to the IRS

PS.....i do expect the GOP to get slaughtered in the house elections....maybe they can hold enuff seats in senate to filibuster

mfl59 said...

Wow Bud bitching about paying that reverend has really implanted himself in your head sir....

Tiger made $127 million last year....does he vote GOP for lower taxes or does he side with the black man?

Bud said...

'that reverend'


PS.....when you make pay about 15% in taxes....maximum.....taxes are not a voting issue for guys that make 100m

mfl59 said...

strike one sir....that was a joke

joba indeed...lmaoooo

Bud said...


i came out of my shoes and took a big swing......uh.......i didn't come close to that slider

where's frosty?? i need some batting practice......i crush his pitches

Bunkerman said...

it's practically impossible to pay less than 28% on ordinary income. The only ones who pay less are the hedge fund mamagers and the freeloading rulling class invested in municipal bonds.

Spin-em said...

typical sleeze balls kickin a guy after the fact...Heigh-ho dee di ho dee ho indeed sirs.....

Spin-em said...

re Bunk

Bunkerman said...

ADP good number.

Real data from thousands of companies ... not just a form estimate.

Bud said...

sleaze balls? is that worse than 'florida assholes' ???

don't worry spin.......phil hughes shud be back soon


Spin-em said...

not at all sir... the sleaze balls comment was said in jest.loool

Frosty said...

Bud..nonono Bid are the kiss of Big John's doctor saying, skin issue, no problem, cover yourself in butter in sit in the arizona sun, it will go away.

mern said...

im willing to take one for the team in 08.

im not thinking about my wallet when i vote.


mccain will take a dirt nap in november and another one shortly thereafter.

they cant be less fiscally repsonsible than bush, not possible.


then make some glass!

mern said...

for the record, no one that is left is a gud candidate.

DC wants to hold hearing over 8 belles death.

every senator and congressmen or women shud be tried for treason at this point! president and his cabinet as well.

mfl59 said...

LEH needs to take a nap and get it over with....tired of hearing about them....

Bud said...

Frosty needs to take a nap and get it over with it..........tired of hearing from him.....

Bunkerman said...

Hmmm ISM services index over 50 means growth. Uh ... you know what I'm thinking.

Bud said...

does the Bman realize how silly he sounds with all this 'goldilocks rosy scenario' ??

we are in the middle of a nasty recession....end of story

Bunkerman said...

I wouldn't call a mid-cycle slowdown "rosey" ... but you need a "decline" to get a "recession" - notice the root of "recession" - it's "recess", meaning go back.

+0.9% growth is not "going back".

Frosty said...

Dear Sal

For the love of god son, jump on the obamayomama train. This is my last shot and I need major leauge hitters in the ever see that cramer pimp swing the bat on sad money, you make him look like roger marris in 61'.

ps...keep your donation, use it for a lawyer, you don't have a major leauge eye.

pss...ask your pal mern for a referral...he farted and is now taking down JPM...someone is in big trouble.

Big John

Bunkerman said...

btw, not going long LEH like I did last time out.

Losing money on those hedges was soooo dumb. Stunning.

The old line investment bankers there are great, but anyone can hire them.

mern said...

bud the economy is not contracting.

it is growing below 1% and CPI (even according to the govts data) is almost 4%.

although looking at bens testimony yesterday, it does not look like he even believes in core anymore.

buffett doesnt buy it, nor does bill gross, the guy who wrote the model, or santelli.

it is what it is. and its called STAGFLATION!

bud how do u feel as hildog as VP?

slick willy wants it, how about u?


Bud said...

i don't wanna see Hillary as kunta kinte's VP


if she accepts ....i will be very very pissed at her

PS.....i think there is a less than zero percent chance he offers it to her

Bud said...


frosty with some serious heat

great post!!! funniest post by him since .....well...uh.....ever

it's about time he said somethin humorous

mern said...

u watch obama gonna pick her and she will accept.

he needs to have a VP that is so revolting the KKK wont kim him.

plus that wud unite your stupid party.

big mac is a smarter more honest version of bush, but that has put us in a huge deep fiscal jam, and r alias r leaving us faster than the giants ditched bonds.

obama/hildog wud spin rush and ann coulter.

bud u got a rish limbaugh bumper sticker, on that BMW of yours?

does he come to you when he is out of little bluz?

tatum oneil,ROFL. i got pinched the first time i tried to buy in 7 yrs, THANK GOD! anyone who believes that thinx inflation is contained


Frosty said...

burpgate status report...might have to wait for harvard law review position...obama supports the common workers right to spend all day on the net...right to work indeed.

Bud said...

burpgate?? huh?????????

i guess we'll have to wait another 6 months before frosty says somethin funny or witty

mern said...

bob blew 1 by u buddy boy.

lol, burpgate.

ya i spend all day on the net.

ive done 97 tps reports so far today and no lunch.

this place is nutz. the harder i work, the more my the other peeps in the office hate me.

i feel like costanza in this place.

welp whether they like it or not, im learning stuff everyday and finally it is stuff that makes me marketable. so when mister dimon decides prime broker belongs in nyc, i can still find work in the god for saken industry.

i can tell people r getting more pissy with me becuase they all seem to be working harder now becuase if they dont handle something fast, i do it. they dont like that, but my boss does.

ive gone from a slut to a straight up sell out WHORE.

i got sick of being a bug. time to be the windshield!

Frosty said...

Bunkerman...time to fire up those BAC directors...Ken Lewis needs to go...stanford ppfftt..grease the tank tracks with his guts.

mfl59 said...

AP Giannini must be rolling over in his grave watching what these hacks are doing to BAC....

Bud said...

joba chamberlain

phil highes

ian kennedy

"the big 3"

yankee future looks vey bright


Bud said...


yankees fans gave joba a standing ovation after he left the mound in the second inning

mfl59 said...

who throws harder, ian kennedy or phil mickelson? mickelson was clocked at 62 a few years back when he thought he could be a pitcher.....lmaooooo

Bunkerman said...

this BAC is really the old NationBank aka North Carolina National Bank.

The old BAC was a pos in the 1980s.

BAC can't go up until the CFC deal closes and all that uncertainty disappears.

mern said...

BAC can't go up until the CFC deal closes and all that uncertainty disappears.

more like once the deal closes, and BAC lets all the garbage hit thier balance sheet.

LEH and BAC have taken out the MLK lows.


i thought frosty wud strap on a set and say it with conviction that the MLK lows wud snap like a twig, but maybe in his old age he is less confident.

i still think if u like the QID at 68. u shud be loading at 39.

Frosty said...

WB CEO best be swinging by monday luv letters and Lewis get's a pass for buying CFC...I think obama has found his man...Bunkerman for VP.

Bunkerman said...

I didn't think that CFC purchase was bad ... they got a national mortgage franchise for zip.

But don't know how bad the CFC mortgage portfolio was. I figured that a hundred guys doing 60 days due diligence would figure it out.

BAC did pay the dividend in April.

Bunkerman said...

maybe I'm not paranoid enough ;-)

Bud said...

has phil lost weight?? i can't tell ....cud be the new slim fit shirts he wearin

he still has man-boobs


lol.....but that was his change-up........kennedy's fastball only about 75

Bunkerman said...

If Lewis cuts the dividend, I'll be in his lynching party ;-)

Frosty said...

"figure it out" indeed...Lewis said buy the sucker...100 men 2 months to justify the purchase.

Bunkerman said...

Hmmm I see there was a conference call with Deutsche Bank on Monday. I wonder what he said ... or didn't say.

Bunkerman said...

Co sees no reason to cut their dividend at this point... As for Countrywide (CFC), co says they did not believe the housing had bottomed when they made the deal; still expect further disintegration of the housing market; thinks the combination will be strong and if they 'are in the ballpark on marks' it will be a great acquisition;

Hmmm ... not sure I like that "at this point" ... sigh ... heigh-ho

Bud said...

Ben at Harvard today with his classamtes and elites like the Bman

'i am with the common man'


mfl59 said...

I guess lower oil isn't the spark to start the next great bull mkt....babblevision indeed....idiots

Bunkerman said...

He's getting a lot of rain at Harvard today. All day heavy rain.

mern said...

is pac man there too?

jerry jones back running the boyz.

TO, tank, pac man, jessica simpson, romo.

if they dont start hot and win it all, that is going to be one funny ass dark comedy.

die BOYZ die!

ill be in jamaica for the super bowl. be nice if the birds were in tampa, while im chilling with bobby in negril watching the game drinking a few hundred red stripes.

237 days and counting!

Bud said...

Ben a harvard and MIT grad????

Bunkerman said...

Hmm wiki says yes. Harvard & MIT

uh oh ... close parallel to me excpet I had Harvard Ph. D. in Astrophysics sandwiched between.

Frosty said...

uh Bud...don't fire up bunky for a round of ben hero worship....he does my bidding, xoxoxo ben...can I fill your water bottle sir.

Bunkerman said...

lol ... yes, when he obeys, I like him.

mfl59 said...

is Harvard in the Ivy League?

Bunkerman said...

Harvard yes. MIT - no.

Bunkerman said...

at least as the League is a football League.

MIT football is pretty bad - like a high school team or small junior college.

mfl59 said...

strike one bunkerman.....can't believe you swung at that one sir...

Bunkerman said...

oh man. Guess I'm credulous today. :-(

Bud said...

mfl with the '62' mph fastball right down the middle........and the Bman swung and fell down
