Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Proven Anachonism, and Proud!

I added to my service stripes today as a man & an anachronism in a triple play at the butcher shop today.

1. I bought lots of RED MEAT to grill ;-)
2. I bought real, hardwood charcoal for a REAL FLAME ;-)
3. I paid CASH for $82.32, peeling two $50s off my roll ;-)

The Gen Z-er at the "cash" register was shocked when I handed her the $50s :-))

What a world!


Bud said...

Bunkerman I think you misread the look the cashier gave you. Perhaps she thought that you were an illegal alien or a drug dealer (or in a similar line of work.) Or possibly she thought you were one of the many millions of poor Americans that don't have a bank account ( also with very poor credit). The overwhelming majority of the poor have but no choice but to use cash for all their needs (bills).

Bunkerman said...


Maybe you're right, Bud, re the drug dealer or a made guy - I was wearing a flashy Aloha shirt. But that expensive shop wasn't one where the poor buy food.